Registration and immunizations
Welcome to our district! We’re happy to have you here and look forward to meeting you. Whether you’re new to the area or coming from one of our feeder schools, you’ll need to complete the registration process.
Registration Requirements
When you’re ready to enroll your child, please go to the school of residence for your student. Be sure to bring the following documents:
Proof of residency, acceptable documents are listed below:
- Property tax payment receipts.
- Rental property contract, lease, or payment receipts.
- Utility service contract, statement, or payment receipts.
- Pay stubs.
- Voter registration.
- Correspondence from a government agency.
- Declaration of residency executed by the parent or legal guardian of a pupil.
Student’s record of immunizations
Transcripts and a request made for the student’s transcript for the school recently exited.
Registration Information for Incoming Freshmen, Class of 2029 - Begins February 4, 2025
If you have any questions about the registration process please contact the counseling office for the corresponding school of enrollment.
Tulare Western High School
(559) 686-8751
Tulare Union High School
(559) 686-4761
Mission Oak High School
(559) 687-7308
Online Aeries Registration
If you have a current high school student (grades 9 through 12), please use the following link to pre-register your student. You will still need to make an appointment with the appropriate school to complete the registration.
Student Transfers
The Tulare Joint Union High School District administration and governing board of trustees recognize that the families and students we serve sometimes have special needs and desires. In that regard, we have instituted policies and procedures to provide for certain attendance requests which supersede the school selection determined by the residence of the student. The board has established policies that outline the criteria used for determining approval of inter-district and intra-district transfer requests and established a deadline each school year for submission of those requests prior to the end of the preceding school year.
Education Code Section 48980(j) requires that schools notify parents/guardians each school year in regards to the current statutory and local attendance and programmatic options within the school district. That information is provided at the time of request for a transfer. Unless restricted by board policy related to racial/ethnic balance and campus capacity, students may elect to apply for attendance at one or a combination of the schools or programs offered for the impending school year.
Inter-District Requests to Attend Tulare Joint Union High School District
Inter-district transfers to attend a school of Tulare Joint Union High School District are processed on a continuing basis and approved for one year at a time and must be renewed annually, permitting space is available. The criteria for an inter-district transfer request to attend Tulare Joint Union High School District includes good grades, discipline, and attendance. Applications for inter-district attendance permit forms are available from the student’s resident district and require approval from the resident district prior to submitting the request to our district office.
Although students generally must attend school in the district where their residency has been established, the board of trustees recognizes justifiable reasons for occasional inter-district transfers. The superintendent or designee may approve inter-district attendance agreements with other districts on a case-by-case basis to meet individual student needs. Students who reside outside the Tulare Joint Unified School District boundaries may apply for enrollment in our district. Decisions on the intra-district transfers will be made first in order to determine how much space is available, if any, at each of the sites for inter-district transfers. Upon request, our district may accept students from another district and may also allow students who live within the district to attend out-of-district schools.
Inter-District Requests to Attend a District outside of Tulare Joint Union High School District
Inter-district transfers to attend a school outside of the Tulare Joint Union High School District are processed on a continuing basis. If you are interested in applying for a transfer outside of Tulare Joint Union High School District, complete the inter-district agreement form and email it to Maria Monreal or mail to 426 N. Blackstone St. Tulare, CA 93274.
Applicable Board Policies