McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Act (42 US Code § 11432) is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. This TJUHSD is available to aid homeless students and families in compliance with the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, an integral part of No Child Left Behind. The district personnel works in collaboration with school personnel and community service agencies in an effort to maximize access to various educational, social, and enrichment programs which promote academic success and student achievement. Homelessness is defined as, students who lack a fixed regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
Is My Family Considered Homeless?
If your family lives in any of the following situations; by law, school-aged children in one of the following situations may be considered homeless if they are:
- Living in a shelter
- Living in campgrounds, RV/motorhome, or parks
- Living in an automobile
- Living in an abandoned building or public place
- Temporarily doubled up with friends or relatives, due to loss of housing from financial hardship
- Living in substandard housing (shed/garage; i.e., no electricity, running water, cooling/heating)
- Living in a transitional housing program
- Migratory child(ren) living in a labor camp or living in circumstances described above
If You Believe You May Be Eligible and Need Services
Please complete one of the forms below:
- Student Residency Questionnaire/Student Housing - English
- Student Residency Questionnaire/Student Housing - Spanish
Contact your school’s designated homeless education liaison:
Jose Marquez
(559) 686-4761
Tulare Union High School
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Ana Rivera
(559) 686-8751
Tulare Western High School
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Erika Holguin
(559) 687-7308
Mission Oak High School
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Lorena Venegas
(559) 687-7400
Tech Prep/Countryside High School
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Sydney Hildreth
(559) 687-7384
Sierra Vista Charter High School
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Abel Loza
(559) 687-7303
Accelerated Charter High School
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Maria Bueno
Assistant Supt./Student Services & Special Programs
(559) 688-2021
District Office
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Beth Wilshire
Tulare County Liaison
(559) 730-2910 ext. 5131
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Liaisons can:
- Facilitate school enrollment
- Help you decide which school is best for your child
- Help your child get basic school supplies, supplemental services, and free school meals
- Transportation to and from the school of origin (if eligible)
- Provide referrals to resources in the community
The information you submit to TJUHSD will remain confidential and used to provide support to help connect your child and family to resources such as school supplies, transportation to school, clothing, tutoring, and more.
McKinney-Vento Rights
Under the McKinney-Vento Act, you may:
- Receive a free and appropriate public education and instructional services comparable to those provided to other students
- Enroll in school immediately, even if they lack documents normally required for enrollment, e.g., proof of residency, immunization records, school records, guardianship papers
- Enroll in school and attend classes while the school gathers the required documents
- Enroll in either:
- The local school of attendance; or
- Continue attending their school of origin (the school attended when permanently housed or the school in which they were last enrolled), depending on preference and feasibility
- Remain at the school until your family is permanently house
- Receive public transportation to and from the school of origin, if eligible
Parents' Responsibilities
Parents' responsibilities include:
- Making sure the child attends school regularly and completes homework and projects on time
- Attending parent-teacher conferences, Back-to-School Nights, and other school-related activities
- Meeting with the school counselor to help your child deal with changes and challenges
- Getting your child additional help if needed (e.g., tutoring, counseling)
- Staying informed of school rules, regulations, and activities
- Participating in school advisory/decision-making activities
Student Responsibilities
As a student, you may:
- Participate fully in all school activities and programs for which you are eligible
- Continue to attend the school in which you were last enrolled even if you have moved away from that school's attendance zone or district
- Receive transportation from your current residence back to your school of origin
- Qualify automatically for child nutrition programs
- Contact the district liaison to resolve any disputes that arise during the enrollment process
Should a Student Change Schools?
Changing schools can be difficult for students leaving friends, teachers, and dealing with new friends, teachers, and classes. It is usually best for your child to remain in his/her same school (the school of origin), even if you move to a different area.
Here are some questions to think about when making our decision:
- How permanent is your current living situation?
- Is your child attached to his/her school?
- How anxious is your child because you had to move?
- Would changing schools be overwhelming?
- Would changing schools cause your child to fall behind in school?
- What is the best time for your child to change schools e.g., at the end of a semester or school year, after testing, or after an event that is important to your child?
- How much time travel time would your child have to spend going back and forth to school?
Disputes About Which School
If you and the school disagree about where your child should go to school, the school must notify you in writing why your child should attend a school other than the one you selected and how you can appeal this decision.
Your child can still enroll in, attend, and participate fully in the school you selected until the disagreement is settled.