Educational Services
Our goal is to provide you answers and resources to help make your experience with your child a positive one. If you ever have any questions about the services your child receives, or if you feel your child should be receiving services, please give us a call. We are always happy to help you.
Common Core
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are an updated set of academic standards that have been developed with the intention of unifying learning expectations for students across all states. Common Core State Standards bring strong advantages to students in California and in the United States. These standards define kindergarten through twelfth grade learning that ensures our students are well prepared for a post-secondary education and career.
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
The CAASPP replaced the former paper-based California Standards Tests (CSTs). In 2014-15, the junior class took the first new computer-based tests for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. The new assessment system is aligned to California’s more challenging academic standards, which are designed to help all students graduate ready for college and to pursue a career.
The CAASPP results serve as an academic check-up. Like class assignments and report cards, they are one measure of student progress—one way to provide you and your child’s teachers information about your child’s growth toward the high goals we have set for our students.
Special Educational Services
We know how challenging it is for parents to find resources to help their child with special needs succeed in school. We also know that there are so many rights, rules, regulations, forms, and jargon, it can be intimidating for parents and difficult to understand everything that is going on. We are here to help you navigate the system and obtain the information you need.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) into law. The changes to this law provide more focus on fully preparing students for success in college and careers. To learn more about this new law, please visit the U.S. Department of Education website.
Educational Services Staff
Maria Bueno
Assistant Superintendent Student Services and Special Programs
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Roger Robles
Director of Special Ed/504 Coordinator
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Kevin A. Covert
Assistant Superintendent Curriculum
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Gretchen Vander Tuig
Community School Director
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Guadalupe Aguilar
School Psychologist - Accelerated Charter High School/504 Coordinator
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Johanna Ayon
Attendance Officer
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Belinda Briano
Resource Secretary
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Leah Davis
Job Developer
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Bethanie Fernandes
Psychologist - Mission Oak High School/504 Coordinator
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Lolly Garcia
Psychologist - Tulare Union High School/504 Coordinator
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Stephanie Guttierez
Psychologist - Tulare Western High School/504 Coordinator
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Susan Roberts
Psychologist - Tech Prep High School, Countryside High School, and Tulare Adult School/504 Coordinator
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Michelle Vasquez
Psychologist - Tulare Union and Mission Oak High Schools
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Elizabeth Watkins
Psychologist - Tulare Western and Sierra Vista High School
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