Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS)

School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive, team-based framework for creating and sustaining safe and effective schools. Emphasis is placed on prevention of problem behavior, development of pro-social skills, and the use of data-based problem solving for addressing existing behavior concerns. School-wide PBIS increases the capacity of schools to educate all students utilizing research-based school-wide, classroom, and individualized interventions.

PBIS At Tulare Joint Union High School District
A term you will be hearing this year at Tulare Joint Union High School High School is Positive Behavior Interventions & Support, or PBIS. PBIS is an approach in behavior management on a school-wide level, in a specific setting such as the outside campus, halls, restrooms, the classroom, or with an individual student. PBIS methods are research-based and have been proven to significantly reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors. One of the keys is to focus on prevention. It is based on the idea that when students are taught clearly defined behavioral expectations and provided with predictable responses to their behavior, both positive and corrective, 80-85% of students will meet these expectations. The 15-20% of the students not responding to universal interventions will receive additional support through group and individual interventions.
Another key element is an analysis of discipline referral data. This team-based approach to data analysis allows TJUHSD’s PBIS teams to identify problem areas, brainstorm interventions, acknowledge students exhibiting positive behavior, and communicate the findings to staff, students, and parents.
The key components of an effective school-wide PBIS system involve:
- Clearly defining and teaching a set of behavioral expectations
- Consistently acknowledging and rewarding appropriate behavior
- Constructively addressing problematic behavior
- Effectively using behavioral data to assess progress
*The ultimate goal is to increase student academic performance, decrease problem behavior, increase safety, and establish positive school climates through research-based strategies and systems.
PBIS Model: The Three Tiered Framework
Understanding the PBIS Tiered Levels
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